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For a beginner, the whole process of quilting may be challenging, but it becomes easier when you get used to it. Yet, this might interest you to know that both professional and inexperienced sewers find the process of getting started more challenging. Why? Because most of the time, they are undecided about what material to use for their quilting projects.
As you already know, quilting is done in two layers — quilt top, batting, and quilt backing. While the material for the quilt top may be an easy decision, choosing the right material for the back and batting is usually demanding because sometimes the top quilting material will determine what material to use. Can you use a sheet for quilt backing? You will find the answer to this question in this article. Keep reading!
Can I use a sheet for quilt backing?
Yes, you can use sheets for the back of your quilt. Although to some people, the idea of using a sheet as quilt backing is unacceptable.
Don’t be quick to judge them, though, because they may have bought into the false claim that using a sheet for quilt backing will cause skipped stitching. I do not know what kind of sheet material causes that, though. But if you use a sheet with a low thread count, ensure that your quilt backing is as good as cotton.
You may not know this, but using a sheet for quilt fabric comes with certain benefits. They are inexpensive, plus they are one big material that you wouldn’t need to piece several materials together to form the backing of your quilting project.
How to use a sheet as a quilt backing
1. Get a cotton sheet
You can make use of any type of cotton sheet for the backing of your quilting project. However, it would be better to make use of mono-toned or any cotton sheet material with attractive patterns.
In order to determine the exact amount of fabric, you will need for the back of your project, have it in the back of your mind that the backing must be longer than the quilt top. The general rule is that it must be 4 inches longer.
2. Figure out the seam allowance
You must first figure out the seam allowance of your fabric before you start to sew, especially when trying to work with matching prints. Cut off the extra bit of material from one side so the pattern will appear continuously when sewn.
Also, if you press open about 1/2 inch of the seam allowance, the seam will last longer.
3. Start sewing the sheet
Before you start sewing, first determine the shape and the actual size of your quilting project, as this will help you to know whether the seams will be horizontal or vertical. Seams are used for piercing quilt backing.
A horizontal seam will be ideal if you work with a 40 to 60 inches sheet. But if your quilting size is more than 61, i.e., 61 and above, the ideal seam is vertical.
What do you use for quilt backing?
When you want to choose the right fabric for your quilt backing, there are several options to choose from. Some of the fabrics you can use include fleece, muslin, flannel, and minty. Although all of these materials will make an excellent choice for your quilting fabric, none is as good as quilting cotton in terms of durability.
Can I use a bed sheet for quilt backing?
Yes, you can use a bed sheet for quilt backing. If you are embarking on a large quilting project, one of the best choices you can make is going for a bed sheet as your quilt backing. This is because they are inexpensive and big enough for you to complete your project without having to join pieces together.
Using blanket for quilt backing
As a quilter, if you have an old blanket and you have been thinking of what to do with this blanket, well, here’s some good news for you.
You can use the old blanket for the backing of your future quilting project. If the old blanket is woven and has only one layer, your fortune becomes doubled because it can be seen as both top and back quilting.
Why does quilt backing have to be bigger?
Basically, it is ideal to have the back of your quilt longer than the top to provide for the extra fabric that has been used up during quilting. And also for stabilization when you are using a quilting frame.
Can muslin be used for quilt backing?
Yes, muslin can be used for quilt backing. For a young quilter, the name muslin may sound unfamiliar, but the truth is, quilters have been using muslin as their choice of fabric for quilt backing for a long time.
Although there are several reasons why people make use of this fabric, most of them said it is inexpensive compared to other printed fabrics. While others claim that it is because they love it when the quilting stitches can be seen on the back. If this is the case, this is a need that can be easily met with muslin fabric.
How much material for quilt fabric?
To determine the amount of material you will need for your quilt fabric, you first have to know the size of your quilting.
As a general rule, if the quilting size is 36 by 50, you will need about one and a half yards of fabrics which must not be less than 42 inches wide. On a similar note, if your quilt size is 42 inches, then you will need up to three and a half yards of fabric.