A quilt is a technique of sewing which involves putting two fabric layers together. To enhance the look and feel of a quilt, designers often include batting, and that’s how the sewing terminology known as quilt batting is formed.
Batting forms the middle layer between quilts, and as we all know, sewing is all about creativity and craftsmanship, so don’t be surprised if you see people asking questions like, can quilt batting be pieced together?

Furthermore, this article will shed light on the possibilities of successfully pulling this incredible sewing wizardry stunt, its possible effect on the overall feel and look of the quilt, as well as how this can be done perfectly. Keep reading for details.
Can batting be pieced together?
Yes, you can piece batting together. In quilting, you can piece batting together so they become larger and used for projects that would have been too big for a piece. Batting can be pieced together by hand stitching, machine stitch, or batting tape. You will read more about how this can be done in the latter part of this article.
Is it ok to piece quilt batting?
Yes, it is ok to piece quilt batting. Before piecing quilt batting, make sure you understand fully well the rationale behind the project you are about to embark on.
Piecing two or more batting together will give you the chance to add batting to a large project that would have been too enormous for just one piece.
However, piecing batting together may affect the look of your quilting project. Now that you know that it comes with its pros and cons, you should decide if piecing batting will be favorable to your project.
How to piece batting together for a quilt
1. Sorting
Before you start piecing the battings together, sort the pieces accordingly in such a way that the ones with the same color, thickness, and brand are put together.
2. Cut a straight edge
For you to piece two batting together, you need to cut a nice straight edge on them. The step below will guide you through the process.
- Lay the two pieces on a cutting mat overlapping them about half an inch to 1 inch.
- Place a quilting ruler at the center of the overlap area, cut a straight line using a rotary cutter then remove all small batting strips. You can dispose of them or keep them for future projects.
3. Make use of a presser foot
Fasten a presser foot to your sewing machine to sew the batting. If you want, you can make use of a hem presser foot or any of your choice. But it is advisable to use a hem presser foot because it has a vertical bar that will make sewing the batting easier.
4. Start to stitch
Stitching pieces of batting together can be tricky, so you might want to pay extra attention. Set the stitch length and width to a moderate stitch length and the broadest zigzag stitch settings.
5. Sewing
Gently put the straight edges of the batting strip pieces together right under the presser foot and opposite the vertical bar. Start sewing the pieces downward in a zigzag manner and make sure the pieces do not overlap.
5. Keep joining the pieces
Continue to join all the pieces until there are none left. Once you have successfully joined all the pieces, then you can begin with your quilting project.
What can you use for quilt batting?
When you are about to start your quilting project, you may have a problem deciding which material will be good for the project.
Fortunate enough, there are lots of materials you can use for quilt batting, just that you don’t know them. You can use cotton, polyester, cotton blend, wool, silk, and many more. However, you may have to do further research on this to be able to know which will be suitable for you.
How thick is quilt batting?
The thickness of a quilt batting varies based on the material used. However, the thickest batting should be within the range of one and have inches to two inches. Likewise, the thickness of quilt batting depends on the size of the material used.
For instance, a 10-ounce polyester battling should be 1 inch thick, and 6 oz is half-inch thick. The list goes on and on in that manner.
Best way to join quilt batting
To join quilt batting together, you have two methods you can choose from. It is either you sew or join the quilt batting by fusing the pieces, or you sew the pieces in a zigzag style. You can achieve the best result using either method.
To get the best out of any of the two methods, make sure the batting edges are pieced together as straight as possible with a long ruler and rotary cutter.
Best way to piece quilt batting
You can hand stitch the quilt batting or machine stitch to piece them together. But the thing is that it is hard to choose between these two methods because it depends on what you want to achieve.
For example, if you want to complete your quilting project as quickly as possible, the best method for you would be to machine stitch them together. If you want them to be more of a feature, then you can opt to hand stitch them.
Can I use a sheet for quilt batting?
Yes, you can use a sheet for quilt batting. You can use a flannel sheet as batting for your quilting project. Although there are misconceptions that using a sheet for batting could lead to skipped stitches because they are too tightly woven, it will make a perfect alternative to your regular batting materials.
Can you use fleece for quilt batting?
Yes, you can use fleece for quilt batting. Ordinarily, fleece is one of the top choices when it comes to making blankets, and therefore, fleece will make an excellent choice for quilt batting. The only downside to using fleece is that it retains heat more than cotton batting.
Can you use polar fleece for quilt batting?
Yes, polar fleece will make an excellent choice for quilt batting because they are light weighted, warm, and durable. In fact, there is this theory that polar fleece will make a better batting compared to polyester.