Fabrics come in various forms where some are so delicate that cutting becomes an issue as a little mistake can lead to cutting a lot of fabric. On the other hand, some fabrics are so hard that making a small cut requires a lot of effort and special tools. One such hard fabric is kevlar fabric which is used widely in the making of vests and jackets. The fabric falls in the moderate sections of hard fabrics especially when it comes to strength and distance.
However, as this fabric is hard and looks almost impossible to cut when touched, many people ask a question like, can you sew kevlar? Is it hard to cut kevlar fabric? Can kevlar be sewn on a regular sewing machine?

We will answer all these questions in this article along with going through a lot of other related stuff as well. We will also talk about some drawbacks of kevlar which will make it easy for you to understand kevlar fabric and learn how to sew kevlar.
Can kevlar fabric be sewn?
Yes, kevlar comes in different forms and most of them can be sewn. Kevlar fabric is designed to resist bullets, abrasion, and related factors which leads to tightly weaving the fabric. As bullets cannot go through the kevlar, people think about how a needle can pass through the fibers and sew stitches.
The fact is that kevlar stops high-speed projectiles and needles can never reach a speed as high as a bullet which allows it to stitch easily. Kevlar is also great for holding the stitches in place for a long time without getting affected by any kind of external or environmental conditions.
What is kevlar fabric made of?
Kevlar fabric is made using a highly strong chemical compound known as poly-para-phenylene terephthalamide. This chemical is highly effective in making strong fibers for kevlar. The compound is made as a result of a chemical reaction between a solution including hydrogen and nitrogen with an acid.
The resultant compound is then transformed into thin fibers which are woven together to make fabrics like kevlar which can then resist high speed projectiles like bullets. This is the reason that kevlar fabric is used by soldiers and bodyguards all around the world.
What makes kevlar fabric so strong?
The chemical compounds used in making kevlar fibers have a lot of inter-chained bonds that are repeating rapidly. The inter-chain bonds are then cross-linked with different hydrogen bonds as well.
These links and bonds bring a tensile strength that is about 19 times greater than steel if we measure it based on the same weight.
To make kevlar extra strong, the fibers are then spun so strongly that nothing can go through the fabric, especially if it is a high-speed projectile.
Is it too hard to sew kevlar fabric?
No, it is never a hard job to sew kevlar fabric because of its chemical composition and overall fiber weaves. The fabric is great for repelling high speed projectiles like bullets or resisting abrasion.
However, it is the reality that kevlar is not that strong when it comes to sharp objects that travel at a slow speed such as knives, blades, and needles. Such items can easily go through the fibers and help you sew kevlar fabric.
How is kevlar woven into fabric?
Kevlar initially comes as a result of a chemical solution and acid reaction and is then converted into fibers using different techniques and procedures.
These fabric fibers are then woven tightly so that they can resist bullets and other things while increasing their tensile strength too many folds.
In short, kevlar fabric is woven just like any other fabric because the raw material comes in the form of fibers and they are woven on the same machine as any other fabric.
Is it hard to cut kevlar fabric?
Yes, cutting kevlar fabric is quite hard as compared to any other fabric in the market. This is because of the fibers’ tensile strength and composition. However, it doesn’t mean that you cannot cut kevlar fabric at all.
Can kevlar fabric be cut with scissors?
You may be able to cut kevlar fabric with regular scissors but it is better to buy high-quality scissors that are specially made for cutting kevlar fabrics.
However, it is better to buy scissors that are solely designed to cut fabrics with high tensile strength such as kevlar, fiberglass, carbon, armid, etc. Such scissors have small teeth that hold the fabric firm while making space between fibers and cutting them easily.
How to cut kevlar fabric?
Special scissors with small teeth are used to cut kevlar fabric. The cutting method is almost the same as the regular fabric but you can’t do it continuously. Instead, cut it as you cut a wire by putting force on a cutter. Apart from special scissors, you can also use bits, blades, and diamond wheels as well.
Although special scissors are the best suitable option for a regular seamstress, if you use kevlar fabric regularly or work in the textile industry, the diamond wheel is most efficient because diamond is a strong and better cutter than any other material in the whole world.
What is kevlar fabric resistant to?
Kevlar fabric is extremely efficient in resisting many things which makes it a go-to product to make bulletproof vests and jackets. Some of the projectiles that kevlar fabric can resist include ultraviolet rays, abrasion, bullets, and much more.
How to prevent kevlar fabric from fraying?
Adhesives like wood glue can be used to secure kevlar edges and prevent them from fraying off. Simply apply a small layer of wood glue right on the edges and it will be enough.
The fact is that kevlar fibers are not soft as other fibers and they don’t fray off easily a little glue will be enough to keep fibers joined together and protected.
Can kevlar fabric melt?
No, kevlar fabrics are highly resistant to heat and flames.
Experts claim that kevlar fabric can easily withstand temperatures as high as 800 degrees Fahrenheit. This claim means that kevlar will not melt or drip even if it is being worn in extreme weather conditions.
This thing also makes it a good option to wear in bunkers where there is a high probability of catching fire.
Is kevlar 100% bulletproof?
Kevlar is bulletproof but not the best. The bullets can pass through the fabric in some cases especially if they are shot from guns like assault rifles. This is because such bullets travel at a speedway higher than sound and can cut the fibers and pass through.
We can say that kevlar is a moderate-level fabric when it comes to bulletproofing and stopping high-level projectiles.
What makes kevlar a good choice for bulletproof vests?
- Good impact resistance
- High strength and
- Low weight
- Easy to sew as compared to other bulletproof fabrics
- Easy to cut
- Good flame and heat resistance
- Doesn’t melt or drip
Can I use kevlar thread on a regular sewing machine?
Yes, kevlar thread can be used in most kinds of sewing machines. As sewing thread comes in various types and sizes, experts recommend only using a kevlar thread having a size 69 or less because bigger thread may not pass through hooks, bobbins, and needles efficiently, on a regular machine.
Can kevlar thread hold a regular size person?
Kevlar thread is too strong for such a thing as it can easily hold 5,20,000 pounds of weight per square inch. This means that the thread can easily hold kids, teens, or adults but this factor will mainly depend on how big or how much area you have with kevlar thread. More thread will be able to handle more weight as the area will increase per square inch.
Drawbacks of kevlar fabric:
- Poor resistance to squeezing.
- Poor resistance to scratching.
- Require special scissors to cut fabric.
- Can be affected more by external factors as compared to other hard fabrics.
- Not strong for sharp objects like knives and needles.
- Once a dress is made, it is almost impossible to use it for any other projects as it can only be cut with special bits and blades.
Are Aramid and Kevlar fabric the same?
Yes, kevlar and aramid are the same fabrics as the armed is just an article of the trademark company, Kevlar. Both these fabrics are the same in all aspects whether it is weight, durability, and resistance to sharp and high-speed objects. The only difference is that aramid fibers are manufactured by DuPont while kevlar fibers are made by the Kevlar company itself.
Is there any fabric stronger than kevlar?
Yes, many fabrics are much stronger than kevlar such as spider silk. This is considered one of the toughest if not the toughest fabric in the market made by genetically engineered bacteria.
This fabric is good enough to resist almost all kinds of attacking objects whether it is a bullet or knife.
Is kevlar fabric waterproof?
No, kevlar fabric is not waterproof at all and should be protected from water at all costs. The fabric is good UV resistant but not great and you should avoid too long exposure to direct sunlight as well. Doing so can affect the fabric and may lead to reducing strength as well. Kevlar is strong but not as good at waterproofing as polypropylene.
What happens if kevlar is exposed to water?
When kevlar is exposed for too long to water, the fibers start to break down over time. This thing directly leads to loose strength of the fabric and may dodge you at the time of need. Vests and jackets are something that should have a 0% risk probability because even a 1% weakness can take your life.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevlar
- https://materials-today.com/kevlar-uses-properties-and-processing/
- https://smicomposites.com/kevlar-101-what-is-it-and-what-are-the-benefits/
- https://textilelearner.net/kevlar-fiber-types-properties-manufacturing/
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/engineering/kevlar