We all know that our bodies change over time and there may come a time when we can no longer get into our favorite shirt that we brought about 6 months ago. There are also chances that you buy a shirt without trial and it doesn’t fit you at all when you come home. These are the scenarios when people start wondering how they can make their shirts bigger.
Adding fabric may come into your mind in the first place but this method cannot be applied to all clothes as it can ruin the shirt’s appearance. This method is also difficult to implement for people who don’t know anything about sewing. So, we reach the question of How to cut a shirt to make it bigger without sewing? Some people think about velcro to alter shirts and ask what does velcro stick to?

In this article, we will discuss many methods and techniques that can help you make your shirts bigger without sewing a single stitch. We will also talk about how you can customize your shirts to make them fall into the new fashion category. So, let’s just dive into the article and come out with a bunch of useful information and techniques to stretch your shirts.
Can a shirt be made bigger without sewing?
Yes, a shirt can be made bigger without sewing and there are many ways to do so. You may go with the simple technique of washing the shirt and then stretching it out while it is still wet.
You may soak the shirt in a hair conditioner and water until it stretches out and gives you a couple of extra inches. Although all these techniques are impliable and give results as well, you may come with a fabric that doesn’t stretch at all.
For such fabrics, you need some other method that can make the short bigger, and cutting different patterns in the fabric is a prominent method.
How to make a shirt bigger without sewing?
Many methods and techniques can be used to make a shirt bigger without sewing. Some of the best and most capable methods of making shirts bigger include:
- Washing the shirt and then letting it dry on a hanger can increase the length of the shirt to a certain extent.
- Washing fabric and putting it on a bigger mannequin can help increase its width.
- Soak the shirt in water and air conditioner mixture for about 20-30 minutes. Then remove and rinse the solution thoroughly with mild hot water. Repeat this step a few times until you get your desired results.
- Cutting different patterns, slits, and designs into your shirts.
Best ways to cut a shirt and make it bigger without sewing?
There are many ways for each different part of your shirt but below are the top methods used for common fitting issues.
Diagonal shoulder cuts:
Let’s just start with the best method to cut a shirt to fit better if you are experiencing cold shoulders.
- Start by laying the shirt flat on a solid and even surface.
- Start cutting the shoulder or top around the neckline. Cut to the seams that are usually present on the shirt and if there aren’t any, draw by yourself using a fabric marker.
- Now start cutting the shoulder 4-6 inches down (depending upon how much space you need) diagonal towards the neckline.
- Keep on cutting until you meet the cut made in the second step around the neckline.
- Do the same for the other shoulder as well.
Peek-A-Boo cutting
This cutting is great if you want your back to have too much space. This thing will increase the width to the maximum extent while adding a little bit of fashion as well.
- Start by cutting a straight line on the back from the neckline to the half of the shirt. The cut should be right in the center of the shirt. *Make sure you don’t cut the neckline seam instead start straight cutting right under the neckline.*
- Now cut all around the neckline from the straight cut up to the shoulders seam.
- Now cut from that shoulder point to the end of the straight cut. Move the scissor in a way that the overall cut looks almost like a boat.
- Stretch A shirt a bit by pulling it from either side of the cuts and yeah you are ready to go.
Front notch cutting
Cutting a notch at the front of your shirt is a good method if your shirt is too tight at the chest area. This is also one of the simplest methods to do for women who mostly encounter such problems.
- Start by cutting around the neckline on the front side of the shirt right under the neckline.
- The cut should be around 3-4 inches wide around the neckline.
- Now make a straight cut from each side of the neckline cut towards the center of your shirt.
- You can make this cut as deep or as short as you want.
- Stretch out the shirt a bit and you will most probably not feel any tightness.
- If it still bothers you, simply add 1-2 more inches and make the cut a bit deeper.
Cut a knot at the bottom
Now, this is a good method if your shirt is too tight at your waist area. This is probably the most common area where people feel such issues and want their shirts to be bigger.
- Start by laying the shirt flat on a solid surface.
- Make a 2-inch cut on either side of the shirt right at the waistline or the jeans line.
- Now start cutting the front side of the shirt from the inner end of the 2-inch cut diagonally down towards the bottom center. *Only cut on the front side*
- Do the same step number 3 from the other side of the front as well.
- For the back, cut the shirt straight while meeting both 2-inches cuts made on either side.
- Now cut straight up in the middle of the front side from the bottom of the shirt. Take this cut upto your waist or the jeans line.
- Stretch out the shirt, wear it, and tie the two panels on the front to form a knot.
How to add more fabric to make a shirt bigger with sewing?
The methods are not that difficult for a person who knows how to sew fabric. However, the difficult thing is to decide where you will include more fabric to make a shirt bigger. There are different ways and areas to add fabric depending upon why and where you want to make your shirt bigger.
Add fabric panels on the sides
If you want to increase the overall width of the shirt, adding side panels is the best option available. This method is not only easy but looks good with the short design and is easy to implement as well.
Below is a detailed discussion on the side panel method and the best areas to add more fabric. Let’s talk about this simple method:
- Start by measuring the length of your shirt from the sides. Usually measured from the underarm area to the bottom of the shirt.
- Now decide how much extra width you need. For example, if you need 6 extra inches to your shirt and the shirt length is 24 inches, cut two panels of 4 inches (width) and 25 inches (length).
- Remove stitches from either side of the shirt. Make sure all stitches are removed along the side seam ranging from the hem of the underarm down to the hem of the bottom.
- Now simply put one panel on each side and sew it again as it was done before.
Add lace on the back of the shirt
If you want extra inches in the chest, waist, or collar areas, adding lace would be a great option. All you have to do is:
- Start by finding the exact center on the back of your shirt. Cut a slit straight up from the bottom of the shirt to the hem through the collar.
- Measure the length of the shirt and cut a piece of lace having a couple of extra inches then the shirt’s length.
- Turn the shirt inside out.
- Place the lace between the slits from the hem of the collar to the bottom of the shirt. Make sure you fold the edges of the lace with the shirt fabric before stitching.
- You may use pins to keep the lace in place.
- Sew the lace using straight stitches and end up using zig-zag stitches on the raw edges (only if it looks necessary).
Add fabric panels at the bottom hem
If you simply want to increase the length of your shirt, adding fabric panels on the bottom at the front and back sides of the shirt will be enough. You may also go with adding lace or any other unique design to increase the length. Some people just add net fabric for this purpose.
Can you make a button-down shirt bigger?
Yes, you can make a button-down shirt bigger but it can only be done using stretching techniques. Cutting different patterns is not considered a good idea because button-down shirts have a formal look and having cuts will ruin your personality.
Also, button-down shirts cannot carry the slits for a long time and they will tear apart in a matter of a few days or maybe on your first try. So, if you are unable to make a button-down shirt bigger using the stretch method, it is better to go buy a new one instead of ruining the old one.
How to customize a T-shirt?
Customization is done for many purposes and it can also be a great way of making your small shirts bigger so that they can fit you well without looking weird as well.
Adding a touch of fashion while allowing the shirt to get big can be done in many ways only by using a pair of scissors.
Below are some ideas or suggestions that can be used to customize a t-shirt so that it looks good while being fit as well.
- Cut small horizontal slits on the front side of the shirt if it is too tight on your chest area.
- Cut thin vertical slits on both sides of the front seams to make the shirt bigger on the waist area.
- Cut a straight slit from the side seam as it will give a new look while making it comfortable for your hip area.
- Cut two oval-shaped holes at top of your shoulders as they are in fashion and give you space as well.
- If you just want a bit of extra stretch while making the shirt look customized as well, you may put your shirt flat on cardboard and make a unique pattern such as angel wings or butterfly wings using a knife, blade, or scissor.
- Simply cut out the sleeves if they are making the shirt too tight.
Can only shirts be made bigger without sewing?
No, the above method cannot only be implemented to make your shirt bigger but you can use these techniques on other garments as well.
The cutting patterns may differ depending on the type of fabric, design, sewing patterns, and the part where you need more space.
The other garments that can be made bigger without sewing include:
- Tank top
- Sweatshirts
- Hoodie
- Pants
- Sweatpants
- Jeans
- Dresses
- Trousers
- Sleeves
How do you cut the notch in a shirt?
Cutting a notch in a shirt is not that difficult as all you need is to simply make a 2-4 inches wide cut right under the neckline. Then make diagonal cuts from each end of the neckline cut towards the middle of the shirt. You can apply the same procedure to either side of the shirt.
How do you cut slits in a shirt?
- Lay down the shirt flat on a surface.
- Mark the areas where you want to make slits using a temporary fabric marker.
- Now pinch up that mark in a way that both ends of the marker line are aligned together.
- Simply cut the shirt while pinching it up to both ends.
- Repeat the same procedure for both long and short slits.