This might be shocking, but do you know that neither silk nor wool is the second most popular natural fabric?
Sitting in the second position is the Jute fabric. Although there are several reasons why these fabrics may seem unpopular: one, they are not commonly used in cloth making, and secondly, they are not well known in western culture.

Most of you know this fabric as Burlap fabric, but these two fabrics are not the same, even though they are both made from 100% natural fiber.
However, Burlap can be made from Jute which is why they are often confused with each other. Of course, we all know that Jute fabric is made from plant fiber, but is Jute fabric vegan? You will find out after reading this article.
What is Jute fabric?
Jute fabric is a natural textile fiber produced from the Jute plant.
This fabric is highly durable and rough and is widely used for various purposes ranging from apparel making to Industrial, Agricultural, hardware, and flooring use.
Apart from being durable, Jute fabric is also straightforward to work with and highly breathable. And why it is one of the most suitable materials for hot and humid climates.
Are Jute fabrics Vegan?
Yes, Jute fabric is Vegan. Jute is made from the Jute vegetable plant, which is 100% natural fiber. And since no animal was harmed, sheared, or plucked during the production of this fabric, then it is undoubtedly a vegan fabric.
The question that may remain will be whether or not chemical treatment is anti-vegan since some Jute fabrics are also made with synthetic fabrics. But that is not likely to be the case.
Which fabrics are Vegan?
Apart from Jute fabrics, we also have some vegans fabrics, such as Camel hair, Camlet, Pongee, Foulard, Mohair, linsey-woolsey, Madras, Moire, Challis, Chintz, Moleskin, and many more.
What are Jute fabrics made from?
Jute fabric is essentially made from the bark of the Jute plant.
What is the origin of Jute?
Jute gas has been cultivated widely in India for textile making since about 5000 years ago.
Before European colonialism, Jute, though not the most popular fiber, contributed majorly to the development of Indian society. When the British eventually got involved, Jute became a cash crop whose proceeds helped finance the British colonial efforts.
Around this period, Jute was widely cultivated in Scotland, but production was minimal compared to the total output produced in Bengal and other areas of India. And because India Jute producers were making lots of money from Jute production, the Scottish migrated to India to benefit from the mass Jute production.
This continued until around the 19th century, and even after India finally became an independent nation, it became the country’s largest export.
However, in the 20th century, there was a slight drop in the production of Jute due to synthetic fibers.
What are the types of Jute fabrics?
White Jute
Although this Jute type has recently become somewhat unpopular, it used to be the favored material for making cloth for ordinary people in Bengal, India.
As you may have already predicted from the name of the fabric, it is the most of the Jute fabric variant but less durable than most other types.
Jute cuttings
This Jute type is widely considered a byproduct of Jute production and is said to be the most undesired and most challenging of the Jute variant.
Mesta Jute
This Jute type is a cross-breed of both Tossa Jute and White Jute.
However, this jute type was not as popular as every other type of Jute but tasted popularity during the troubled independent era of India.
Tossa Jute
Tossa is the most popular jute fiber used for making Jute fabric today. This crop is very hardy and produces more fiber than white Jute.
The fiber of Tossa fabric has the same length and is as strong as every other Jute fiber.
What is the advantage and disadvantages of Jute fabric?
- Jutte fabric is biodegradable.
- It has low thermal conductivity.
- It is very cheap.
- It is very versatile as it can be used in virtually all sectors starting from the Agricultural, Industrial, Woven, and Textile sectors.
- It can be easily blended with synthetic and natural fiber.
- It has excellent moisture-retaining properties.
- It has excellent antistatic properties.
- Jute fabric loses its strength when it gets wet.
- It does not drape well
- If it is exposed to sunlight, it fades and changes to yellowish color.
- It creases easily.
How do you care for Jute fabrics?
Jute fabric gets weakened when wet, so it is not always good to wash them at home by hand or machine. Instead, it is better to take the fabric to a dry cleaning shop.
If you still prefer using your hand, follow the cleaning guide below.
Washing with hand
- Wash Jute fabric only in cold water and with mild detergent.
- Ensure not to agitate the Jute fabric or wring or squeeze it; it will become brittle.
- Jute fabrics shed fibers; therefore, it is advisable always to ease them alone.
- It would be best to abode strictly by the stain removal tips of the particular stain you might have on the Jute fabric to avoid unnecessary wearing out of the fabric.
- If you want to dry the Jute fabric, it should be air-dried and kept away from direct sunlight.
- You may need it on the Jute fabric sometimes, and if it is needed, it is best to iron them when they are still damp.
- Before ironing, ensure the jute fiber product is stretched to its natural size or shape.
How fast does Jute fabric decompose?
Once Jute fabric is buried in the ground, it degrades gradually in about 2 to 3 months.