The fashion industry today is one of the fastest-growing, all thanks to the increasing human population and their insatiable thirst for basic needs (food, clothing, and shelter). One can only imagine how many dollars people in this industry rake in every year as income, and that is why it is becoming rampant to see people jostle for space within the industry.
Getting a career in the fashion world is not an easy task as you would need to first acquire the necessary skills. I bet you all already know this, but it might interest you to know that people still ask questions like, is sewing clothes hard to learn?

I will take my time to address this question in this article as well as every other related question. Keep reading for details.
Is sewing easy to learn?
Yes, sewing is easy to learn. Acquiring sewing skills is as simple as learning every other skill, all you need is patience and dedication.
With the right attitude, you don’t necessarily have to become an apprentice under an expert before understanding the basics. It is a skill you can master from the comfort of your home as long as you are willing to work at your own pace.
Is it hard to learn how to use a sewing machine?
Yes, it is hard to use a sewing machine. As a beginner, using a sewing machine for the first time could be challenging. You shouldn’t be discouraged though because each sewing machine comes with a manual that guides users on the machine to be operated.
Reading the manual for information about the various parts of the machines will make the learning process easy for you.
Why is sewing so hard?
The truth is sewing is not as hard as most people think. What most people do not understand is that sewing is not for everybody.
For instance, just like some professions has a particular skill that cannot be acquired or learned, sewing also has these special skills. For you to become an adroit dressmaker, you must have these two skills, patience, and eye-hand coordination.
Unfortunately, you cannot learn any of these skills in any dressmaking class, so if you already have this quality, you already have an edge, and it is very unlikely for people with these qualities to find sewing difficult. If you find sewing hard, you can work on this skill by working at your own pace.
For example, instead of starting with fabrics that are difficult to work with, like slippery l, exceptionally thick, thin, or stretchy fabrics, start with fabrics that are much easier like cotton lawn, chambray, shirting, linen, Ponte knit, and many others.
What are the hardest fabrics to sew?
As a beginner, it will be a bad idea for you to start your sewing practice with any of these fabrics, leather, knits, and sheers. This is because while trying to sew or cut these fabrics, it will be hard to keep them well in shape, and also, they are very thin.
How to make sewing easier?
Proper maintenance of the sewing machine
I know that by seeing maintenance, you are already squinting your face in frustration, thinking it’s going to be a hell of work to do. That’s not what a routine sewing machine maintenance is about, though all you need is to ensure to clean and oil your sewing machine at least once a week if you are the type that sews a lot.
While sewing, your sewing machine feed collects textile fuzz and loses threads which when left uncleaned, can affect your sewing, and that is when you see bunched-up threads, skipped stitches, and may even break your needles.
Hence, you must clean your sewing machine often to make your sewing easier and less frustrating.
Make use of sharp needles
Although most retailers will tell you to always change your needles for every new project, as much as that is a good idea, it will be pointless if you cannot distinguish between sharp and dull needles because some new needles are blunt from the factory.
To distinguish between a sharp and dull needle, run the pointed edge of the needle on your finger. If it feels pointy and extremely sharp, then that’s what you need to experience excellent and easy sewing. If otherwise, look for a better option.
Choose the textile that is suitable for each project
One thing about working on a sewing project is that as a beginner, you can’t just walk up to a fabric store to buy just any kind of fabric for your project. If you didn’t know this before, you better learn it now. Each paper pattern has the required fabrics and recommendations written on the back of its packaging. And therefore, you need to check before making your choice of fabric.
If you are having difficulty finding this, the store associates will be readily available to help you with the best decision.
Properly understand the sewing pattern
For you to fully understand a sewing pattern, you must first learn how to read it properly. You can check YouTube for clips on how to read patterns.
There are also some useful tips you can find on the internet as well. Having the proper knowledge of the pattern you are working with will prevent you from making silly mistakes and going back to the pattern for unnecessary consultation while sewing.
Start with the easiest pattern or design
Where most inexperienced dressmakers get it all wrong is their tendency to learn every skill all at once. While it is a good thing to have the desire to grow by undertaking projects that may be a little bit challenging, it can also have a psychological effect on the trainee if such a project should fail. And that is why it is often best to take one step at a time.
After all, before a child can learn to walk, he must start by crawling. Take your sewing challenges in stages.
How long does it take to learn to sew?
If you only want to learn the basic sewing skills, it shouldn’t take more than 2 to 4 weeks to learn the skills. Note that this depends on how open-minded and dedicated you are to the skill.
Also, if you would like to learn advanced sewing skills, that may take you up to several months or years, depending on your preparedness in regards to smartness and your trainer.
How long does it take to get good at sewing?
This largely depends on the skills you want to acquire within a particular time frame. For instance, if you want a basic skill, it shouldn’t take you more than a week or 2 to be good at sewing. If you want a more diverse sewing knowledge though, it might take you several months or years.
Is sewing good for your brain?
Yes, sewing is good for the brain. For you to be a skillful dress maker, you have to be creative. In the process of creating new ideas, lots of brain nerves will be activated which is good for the health of your brain. Sewing stimulates self-discipline, and a sense of accomplishment which is good got your mental health.