Looking at how the fashion industry is already so overwhelmed with so many fabric types, one may readily conclude that production will be unnecessary.
But the reality is, asides that the demand keeps growing, and each new fabric has a unique property that sets it aside from the others. Take, for instance, the Tweed fabric designed to resist the weather.

I know you may not have heard about this fabric, but I’m pretty sure you might have the fabric in your wardrobe, just that you don’t know what it’s called.
Right from the onset, this fabric has continued to give users the worth of their money with its amazing qualities.
What people want to know is does tweed fabric stretch and the types of tweed patterns.
I will be sharing what is tweed fabric made of, what is tweed fabric used for and is tweed a good fabric for a couch in this article.
What is tweed fabric?

Tweed is a natural wool fabric originally designed to combat cold winter.
The fabric is medium to heavy and widely used to make winter clothes like coats, suits, and jackets.
Tweed is crafted in twill or plain weave and is highly revered among both men and women fashion lovers for its durability.
Does Tweed fabric stretch?
Yes, Tweed stretches but not worthy of being classified as a stretchy material because not all Tweed fabric stretch.
Even if they do, it’s only usually a little stretch, and just like wool fabrics, they are also likely to lose their stretchiness after washing.
If you prefer stretchy fabric, the Harris Tweed is made with an open weave, making it naturally stretch.
Where does Tweed fabric originate from?

The origin of Tweed fabric is traced back to rural Scotland, where the fabric was first woven in checked covert, houndstooth, and herringbone patterns in the 18th century.
The name Tweed is a reflection of the weave used in making them as well as the country it originated from.
What kind of material is Tweed fabric?

Fundamentally, Tweed fabric is made of wool. Nonetheless, quite a large number of it is also made with blends of wool and other fabrics like synthetic fibres, rayon, and cotton.
Tweed fabric types
There are 8 different types of Tweed, and these various variations will be discussed in detail below.
Harris Tweed Fabric
This type of Tweed fabric is made in the Outer Hebrides, which is an island close to the northern shoreline of Scotland.
The Harris Tweed is protected by law, defined as any handwoven Tweed by dwellers of the island in the Outer Hebrides in their home, finished in the same place whose production is mainly by pure virgin wool that is dyed and spun in the Outer Hebrides.
Herringbone Tweed Fabric
Herringbone Tweed is a twill weave that is broken and forms a pattern of Vs on the fabric surface. It is rumoured that this tweed type got its name from the resulting pattern that looks like a fish bone.
Cheviot Tweed Fabric
Cheviot here is used about the name of the sheep used in making the Tweed fabric wool. The sheep used in making this Tweed fabric are from Cheviot hills, located on the outskirts of the Scottish region.
This type of Tweed fabric is said to be heavier and rougher than ever other variants of the Tweed fabric.
Shetland Tweed Fabric
Like Cheviot, this Tweed type is also named after the island where the sheep used for the wool production used for the fabric is gotten from.
The sheep are from Shetland island, a cluster of islands far away from the northeastern shoreline of Scotland.
However, unlike Cheviot, the wool of this Tweed type is usually light and delicate.
Donegal Tweed Fabric
The Donegal Tweed is one of the most popular Tweed fabrics. The Tweed is named after its originating county: the Irish county of Donegal.
The fabric is uniquely distinguished with its rainbow-coloured yarn specks that are spread across its knobby surface.
Overcheck Twill Fabric
This Tweed type is a plain twill fabric with large checked designs with contrasting colours that complement the Tweed’s pattern.
Barleycorn Tweed Fabric
The Barleycorn Tweed fabric gets its name from its weave that looks like barleycorn kernels on the fabric surface.
This fabric type is known for its slightly bumpy texture and its somewhat dynamic pattern.
Saxony Tweed Fabric
The wool of Saxony tweed is gotten from Merino sheep, and the fabric is originally manufactured in Saxony, Germany.
The Saxony Tweed is popular for its smooth surface and very soft texture.
Is Tweed fabric good for a couch?
Yes, Tweed fabric is good for a couch. Tweed, in general, has some properties that make them suitable not just for cloth making but also for upholstery designs.
Tweed made from wool are weather resistant, natural water repellant, wire retardant, resistant to stain, and less likely to be affected by sunlight.
Is Tweed a fabric or a pattern?

No, Tweed is a fabric. Tweed is a fabric made from natural fibre – wool. Tweed on its own is a different fabric quality which describes the nature of the fabric as a woven material.
However, you can call the fabric a patterned fabric since it comes in the pattern. A typical example of this is the Herringbone pattern which consists of slanted parallel lines in columns.
Is Tweed a summer fabric?
No, Tweed is not a summer fabric. No doubt, Tweed is a versatile fabric, and to some degree, it is breathable, but it is more of a winter fabric.
Although there are claims that Tweed fabrics with a blend of cotton will make an excellent summer cloth, while that may be true in some regard, Tweed shouldn’t be used as or considered a summer cloth.
Is Tweed polyester?
Yes, some Tweed is made of polyester. Ordinarily, an original Tweed fabric should be made from natural fibre wool.
However, manufacturers are now making Tweed with a blend of cotton polyester fabrics.
To the surprise of many, fabrics of this variant are also usually very sturdy and good for making upholstery curtains or soft finishing.