If you want to save time while sewing, you must be aware of all the error codes of your sewing machine. This way you can solve the error the moment it appears on the screen and continue sewing.
This article is going to explore all the error codes of a Juki sewing machine, the causes of the error, and the solutions.

Stick with us and learn the most crucial info about your Juki sewing machine.

Here are the most common error codes that you will probably face while sewing:
Juki sewing machine error code E000

Cause of error:
This error code appears when there is no data written in the EEP-ROM or that data is broken due to some reasons.
Due to this, the machine initializes the data automatically and informs you about the initialization.
You will see a description of the error that says: “Contact of initialization of the main shaft EEP-ROM of the main PCB”.
The error can be resolved by turning off the sewing machine and restarting it after a while.
Juki sewing machine error code E001
Cause of error:
The error code E001 appears when the data is either broken or not written in the EEP-ROM of the main PCB.
The Juki sewing machine initializes the data automatically and informs the user about initialization by displaying this error code and message.
“Contact of initialization of the main EEP-ROM of the main PCB”.
Disconnect the sewing machine and switch it on after some time.
Juki sewing machine error code E003

Cause of error:
This error code means the main shaft motor encoder is defective.
It occurs when the angle counter of the needle UP detector or needle DOWN detector exceeds the value of 1.1 turns.
Turn off the sewing machine to resolve this problem.
Juki sewing machine error code E004
Cause of error:
When the main shaft motor needle down detection is defective, this error code appears on the screen.
The angle counter of needle UP detection does not exceed the 1.1 turn value.
But the angle counter of needle DOWN detection exceeds the 1.1 turn value.
Switch off the sewing machine to fix this problem.
Juki sewing machine error code E005
Cause of error:
If the needle UP detection of the main shaft motor becomes defective, the error code E005 appears on the screen.
The angle counter of needle UP detection exceeds the value equal to 1.1 turns.
Turn off the sewing machine to solve this problem.
Juki sewing machine error code E006
Cause of error:
The error code E006 means contact of initialization of the machine head, EEP-ROM of the circuit board that is mounted on the machine head.
This error occurs when data is broken or not written on the EEP-ROM due to some reasons. The sewing machine auto-initializes the data and then informs the user about initialization by displaying this message on the screen.
Shut down the sewing machine to fix it.
Juki sewing machine error code E007
Cause of error:
This error occurs when the main shaft motor is locked.
When you try to sew a very tough or thick fabric, the machine needle faces a lot of resistance and the main shaft motor gets locked.
Turning off the sewing machine can help fix this error code.
Juki sewing machine error code E011

Cause of error:
If the external media is not connected to the sewing machine, this error code appears on the screen.
Connect the external media or reset the sewing machine to fix the problem.
Juki sewing machine error code E012

Cause of error:
When the sewing machine fails to read data from the external media source, this error sign and code appears.
Reset the machine to resolve the error.
Juki sewing machine error code E013

Cause of error:
In this error, the sewing machine fails to write data from the external media.
It is possible to solve the error by resetting the sewing machine.
Juki sewing machine error code E014

Cause of error:
This error means that the external media is in a write-prohibition state.
In such a case, the external media does not allow the sewing machine to write anything from it.
Reset the machine according to the given instructions in the manual.
Juki sewing machine error code E015

Cause of error:
The error code E015 is a format error.
It means that the format is invalid and you cannot continue with it.
- Make sure the external media you have connected has the data in the right format.
- Reset the machine if nothing works.
Juki sewing machine error code E016

Cause of error:
This error code appears when the external media does not have much free capacity.
Free up some space in your external media to get rid of this error.
Resetting can also help fix this problem.
Juki sewing machine error code E022

Cause of error:
This error code will appear when the designated file you are trying to access is not present in the media.
Make sure that the designated file is inside the media. Otherwise, reset to recover from the error.
Juki sewing machine error code E029

Cause of error:
The error code E029 appears if the media slot lid is left open.
Close the media slot lid and then restart the sewing machine.
If nothing works, then try to reset it.
Juki sewing machine error code E062

Cause of error:
If the revision is old OR the sewing data of your machine is broken, you are going to face this error code.
Turn off the machine and restart it.
Juki sewing machine error code E302

Cause of error:
When the sensor for the tilt of the machine head is OFF, you are going to face this error code on the screen.
Disconnect the power supply of the machine to recover.
Juki sewing machine error code E303

Cause of error:
When there is a defect in the main shaft, semi-lunar plate sensor, OR when the semi-lunar plate of your sewing motor stops working, you get this error on the screen.
Shut down the sewing machine.
Juki sewing machine error code E702

Cause of error:
This error code indicates an abnormality of control in the sewing machine.
It occurs when the CPU of your machine performs a task that it was not supposed to perform.
Turn off the sewing machine and restart it later to fix this error code.
Juki sewing machine error code E703

Cause of error:
This is a machine-type error. It means that the panel is connected to a machine it is not supposed to be.
It occurs when the machine-type code of your sewing machine becomes faulty during initial communication.
You can press the communication switch and rewrite the program to fix this error code.
Juki sewing machine error code E704

Cause of error:
This error message appears in case of an improper system version.
If the current software version of your sewing machine is faulty, you will see this error code.
You can rewrite the program after pressing the communication switch to solve this error.
Juki sewing machine error code E731
Cause of error:
When the position sensor OR main motor hole sensor of your sewing machine malfunction, you see the error code E731 on the screen.
Shut down the sewing machine to resolve the problem.
Juki sewing machine error code E733
Cause of error:
The error code E733 indicates that the main shaft motor is rotating reversely.
It occurs when the main shaft motor of your sewing machine rotates more than 40 times in the reverse direction and goes against the control direction.
Turn OFF the power of your sewing machine.
Juki sewing machine error code E801
Cause of error:
If there is a phase-lack of power, you get an error code E801 on the screen.
When the sewing machine detects a 400 ms or higher power phase-lack signal following 2 seconds of phase-lack observation, it shows you this error.
Shut down the sewing machine.
Juki sewing machine error code E802
Cause of error:
When the sewing machine detects an instantaneous power cut detection signal, it displays error E802 on the screen.
Turn off the sewing machine to recover.
Juki sewing machine error code E810
Cause of error:
The error E810 indicates a solenoid power short circuit.
When the sewing machine detects a solenoid power short circuit signal it displays this error code on the screen.
Turn off the sewing machine and then restart it later.
Juki sewing machine error code E811
Cause of error:
The error code E811 means Overvoltage.
When you see this error code, it is a sign that currently, your sewing machine is getting more voltage than what it needs,
In the case of the Juki sewing machine, when the input power exceeds 280V then you see this error message.
Turn OFF the sewing machine and restart it when the voltage supply has become normal.
Juki sewing machine error code E813
Cause of error:
The error code E813 indicates there’s a low voltage. It means that your sewing machine is not getting the voltage it needs to work.
When your Juki sewing machine gets a voltage lower than 150V then you see this error message.
This type of error mostly occurs when there is power fluctuation in your area due to technical problems in the power grid. So, turn off the sewing machine and use it again when the voltage becomes normal.
Juki sewing machine error code E903
Cause of error:
This error code means that the stepping motor power of your sewing machine is abnormal.
Turn off the power.
Juki sewing machine error code E915

Cause of error:
This error appears when there are some abnormalities in the data communication between the main CPU and the operation panel.
Shut down the sewing machine and then restart it later.
Juki sewing machine error code E916
Cause of error:
The error code E916 appears when there is a problem in data communication between the main shaft CPU and the main CPU of the sewing machine.
Try resetting the machine to solve this.
Juki sewing machine error code E917
Cause of error:
The error code E917 occurs when there is a communication failure between the personal computer and the operation panel.
It might be possible to recover from this error by resetting.
Juki sewing machine error code E918

Cause of error:
When the heat sink temperature for the main PCB becomes abnormal, the error code E918 appears.
It mainly occurs when the machine overheats and the temperature exceeds 85 degree Celsius or more.
Turn off the machine immediately and let it cool down before using it again.
If the machine keeps overheating, again and again, you will have to get the machine checked to diagnose the underlying cause of overheating.
Juki sewing machine error code E920
Cause of error:
The error code E920 means there is a CPLD writing abnormality.
It happens when 1 bit is written in the test port however it does not agree with verifying when power is turned ON.
Shut down the sewing machine.
Juki sewing machine error code E922
Cause of error:
When the main shaft motor of your sewing machine becomes out of control, the error code E920 appears.
It occurs when the number of rotations of the main shaft motor exceeds 50 ms or becomes higher than the upper-value limit which is 3500 STI/min.
Try restarting the sewing machine.
If the problem persists, get the machine checked by a technician.
Juki sewing machine error code E924
Cause of error:
The error E924 is shown when there is a problem in the main shaft driver.
When the GTRE signal (motor driver error) is detected while the OCL1 signal (over-current) is not detected and the motor is locked, you will see this error.
Switch OFF the sewing machine.
Juki sewing machine error code E941
Cause of error:
When the sewing machine twice reads the input signal from CPLD but does not agree with each other, it leads to this error.
Disconnect the power supply of your sewing machine to fix it.
Juki sewing machine error code E942
Cause of error:
This problem has to do with the EEP-ROM of the main shaft.
When your sewing machine fails to perform data writing to EEP-ROM, it displays the error code E942.
Try turning off the machine and power it ON again.
Juki sewing machine error code E943
Cause of error:
This problem is related to the main EEP-ROM. It occurs when the sewing machine cannot perform data writing to the main EEP-ROM.
Shut down your sewing machine.
Restart it after a while.
If nothing works, visit a technician.
Juki sewing machine error code E946
Cause of error:
The error code E946 is displayed when there’s a problem with the head EEP-ROM. The sewing machine fails to write data to the head EEP-ROM.
Restart the machine.
If the problem remains, hire a technician.