Merrow sewing machine problems are too complex for a non-technical person. You sit for hours trying to figure out what is wrong with the machine and how to fix it, but still don’t get any clue.
If this sounds like you, then keep reading. In this article, we are going to share all the errors of a Merrow sewing machine along with tips on how to fix them.

Needle keeps breaking
Causes of problem:
The needle of your Merrow sewing machine keeps breaking due to the following reasons:
- You are using an incorrect needle.
- The looper setting is wrong.
- The needle carrier stud has loosened.
- The needle carrier stud hole is worn out.
Here is how to solve this problem:
1. Use a correct needle
Try using a smaller needle. The sizes of needles range from 000 to 8. A small number means a smaller needle, whereas, a big number means a bigger needle.
2. Tighten the needle carrier stud
The needle carrier assembly can freely swing upon the stud. However, it should not perform any left lateral motion.
You need to tighten the needle carrier stud till it stops tightening anymore.
3. Correct the looper settings
Make sure that the needle is not bending or impacting while passing the looper.
If yes, then check and adjust the looper settings to avoid frequent breaking of the needle.
4. Service the sewing machine
Check if the needle carrier stud of your sewing machine has worn out.
If yes, then you need to get the sewing machine serviced to avoid further needle-related problems.
Fabric is not feeding
Causes of problem:
Following are the reasons why feeding problems occur in a Merrow sewing machine:
- The cutter is not sharp enough.
- The presser foot pressure is too low.
- The feed dog teeth are worn out.
- The presser foot is worn out.
- The position of feed dogs is too low.
Here is what you can do to fix the problem:
1. Check the sharpness of the cutter
Take a strand of thread and place it between the 2 blades.
Now move the handwheel with your hand and see if the blades cut the thread smoothly. If they don’t, you need to adjust and sharpen the blades or replace them if they are completely worn out and unusable.
2. Correct the feed dog position
The feed dogs should be positioned in a way that when feed dogs reach their highest travel point, the top of the needle plate and the bottom point of the feed dog teeth are even.
3. Fix the presser foot pressure
First, you need to loosen the lock screw and then rotate the adjustment screw clockwise a few times.
After that, tighten the lock screw again.
4. Check the teeth of feed dogs
Check the teeth of the feed dog. If they are dull and no longer sharp, you need to sharpen or replace them.
5. Check the presser foot
Next, check the presser foot.
If the presser foot is worn out, you need to replace the worn parts to fix the problems.
6. Tilt the feed dog
On some types of fabrics, tilting the feed mechanism can also be useful.
The needle is making holes in the fabric
Causes of problem:
Your sewing machine is making holes in the fabric because you are using an incorrect needle.
It means that either the needle is too large or it is of poor quality.
When you use an oversized needle, it hits the fabric with a greater force and creates holes in it.
There are 3 things you can do:
1. Use a smaller needle
Needle sizes range from #000 to #8. A higher number means a bigger needle, whereas, a lower number means a smaller needle.
Therefore, you should try a smaller-sized needle as compared to the one you are currently using. It can help prevent holes in the fabric while sewing.
2. Replace the needle
Sometimes, the needle has been damaged due to overuse or its sharp edge has worn out.
The result is holes in the fabric while sewing.
Thus, you need to replace the needle of your Merrow sewing machine to solve this problem.
3. Use a ballpoint needle
A ballpoint needle is very useful for avoiding holes in the fabric.
In Merrow sewing machines, the designation for ballpoint is ‘F’.
The fabric looks chopped, not cut (ragged edges)
Causes of problem:
Your Merrow sewing machine creates ragged edges when the cutter is not sharp enough.
As a result, the fabric looks like it is not cut but chopped.
Check the sharpness of the cutter.
If it is not sharp enough, then you need to sharpen, adjust or replace the cutter.
Poor coverage on the edges
Causes of problem:
Sometimes, a Merrow sewing machine provides poor coverage on the edges of the fabric while sewing.
This usually happens because the stitch count is low.
There are 2 solutions to this:
1. Increase the stitch count per inch
By increasing the number of stitches per inch, you can solve the problem of poor coverage on edges.
This way you will get more stitches in a one-inch area and get better coverage as compared to before.
2. Use additional thread
If you are struggling with poor coverage on edges, you can use an additional heavier thread for coverage purposes.
The sewing machine is making loose stitches
Causes of problem:
If your sewing machine is making loose and improper stitches on the fabric, it is due to the following reasons:
- The thread tension is very low.
- You performed incorrect threading of the sewing machine.
Here’s how to fix it:
1. Increase the thread tension
Rotate the tension adjustment thread clockwise to increase the thread tension.
2. Thread the machine correctly
Check the threading diagram that came with your machine and thread your machine correctly according to the diagram.
There is too much fabric in a stitch
Causes of problem:
If you are getting way too much fabric in a stitch, it is happening because the thread tension is too high.
Here is how to fix it:
1. Reduce the thread tension
First, check which thread is breaking due to high tension. Once you have found that thread, decrease its tension by turning the tension adjustment nut in the counterclockwise direction.
2. Move the cutters
Moving the cutters towards the left can also reduce the amount of fabric that comes in a stitch.
The feed dog is making scratches on the fabric
Causes of problem:
Here is why the feed dog is tracking on fabric and making scratches:
- The feed dog has sharp edges or burrs.
- The presser foot pressure is too high.
- The feed dog is too high.
- You are using the wrong feed dog.
Here is how to fix it:
1. Check the sharp edges and burrs
Check if the feed dog of your sewing machine has any sharp edges and burrs.
If you find any burrs, remove them.
If you find any sharp edges, then buff those edges until they become smooth.
2. Reduce the presser foot pressure
First, loosen the lock screw.
After that, rotate the adjustment screw in a counterclockwise direction.
Tighten the lock screw again.
3. Adjust the feed dog position
The feed dogs should be positioned in a way that when feed dogs reach their highest travel point, the top of the needle plate and the bottom point of the feed dog teeth are even.
4. Use the right feed dogs
If you are working on light fabrics, use a fine-tooth feed dog.
If you are working on delicate fabric, use a urethane feed dog.
The sewing machine is throwing oil on the fabric
Causes of problem:
Sometimes, your sewing machine starts putting oil on the fabric you are sewing. It happens due to the following reason:
- You are using the wrong type of oil.
- Your sewing machine is too dirty.
Here is what to do:
1. Use the right oil
Make sure you are using the right grade of oil for your sewing machine.
2. Keep the machine clean
If you don’t clean the sewing machine for a long time, a lot of oily dust and lint accumulate around the feeds.
Now when you sew the clothes, they get oily stains.
This is why you must keep the sewing machine clean.
The thread keeps breaking
If your sewing thread keeps breaking frequently, the following might be the reasons behind it:
- The thread tension is too high.
- There’s a problem with the thread.
- The threading is incorrect.
- The needle is bad.
- There are burrs and sharp edges.
Here are the action steps to fix it:
1. Reduce the thread tension
First, check which thread is breaking due to high tension. Once you have found that thread, decrease its tension by turning the tension adjustment nut in the counterclockwise direction.
2. Use a quality thread
The thread might be breaking because you are using a low-quality thread with poor strength.
If the thread is very old, it might have become weak due to age. Another reason might be that you are using the wrong thread for the application.
Whatever your case is, you need to use a strong-quality thread to avoid breaking issues.
3. Look for sharp edges
Find out the exact thread which is breaking frequently.
Now trace the traveling path of this thread and see if you find any sharp edges or burrs along the way.
If you do find some, it means the thread is breaking after colliding with those sharp edges and burrs.
Therefore, you need to remove the burrs and smoothen out the sharp edges.
4. Correct looper settings
Make sure your sewing machine has the correct looper settings.
5. Thread the machine properly
If you are incorrectly threading the sewing machine, it might be another reason why the sewing thread is breaking too often.
You need to thread the machine properly. Take help from the threading diagram that comes with the machine.
6. Replace the needle
An old, worn-out, and damaged needle cannot hold a thread properly. Its friction can cause the thread to break too often.
Therefore, try replacing the needle and see if that fixes the problem.
The sewing machine is dropping oil on the table
Causes of problem:
Here is why your sewing machine might be dropping oil on the table:
- The lower pump is not working.
- The oil filters and gaskets are clogged.
- The sewing machine is dirty.
- You are using the wrong sewing oil.
1. Replace the gaskets and oil filter
If the gaskets and oil filters are clogged with lint and dust, you need to replace them.
2. Change the lower pump
When the lower pump stops working, the oil delivered to the sewing machine does not return to the reservoir.
As a result, it might spread around and leak onto the table.
You need to change the lower pump. It is located in the rear of the sewing machine.
3. Use the right sewing machine oil
Make sure you are using the right grade of oil for your sewing machine.
4. Keep the machine clean
If you don’t clean the sewing machine for a long time, a lot of oily dust and lint accumulate around the feeds.
This is why you must keep the sewing machine clean.
No bubbler flow
Causes of problem:
When the upper pump of your sewing machine stops working, the oil is not delivered to the machine.
If you keep running the sewing machine like this, its parts burn and stop working.
Replacing the upper pump can help solve the problem.
The sewing machine is skipping stitches
Causes of problem:
If your sewing machine is missing stitches, here are the possible reasons behind it:
- Incorrect threading.
- Bad sewing needle.
- Poor cutter sharpness.
- Poor looper settings.
Here are the solutions:
1. Perform correct threading
Poor threading is the major reason behind skipped stitches.
Make sure you have threaded the sewing machine properly.
2. Replace the needle
A needle in poor condition might also be the reason why your machine is skipping stitches. Try replacing the needle.
3. Sharpen the cutter
Check the sharpness of the cutter by placing a strand of thread between the 2 blades. If it is not sharp, then you need to increase its sharpness or adjust/replace the cutters.
This will also help prevent skipped stitches.
4. Correct looper settings
Make sure your sewing machine has the correct looper settings.