Are sewing needles magnetic

Are sewing needles magnetic?

Many tools play their respective role to complete an overall sewing project. Some tools and items are so minor that if you drop them accidently, it becomes a big deal

Can You Sew With Fishing Line

Can You Sew With Fishing Line

In normal conditions, we all use sewing threads for sewing fabrics. However, sometimes, you do not have a sewing thread available for sewing, and then you have to come up

Sewing thread vs fly tying thread

Sewing thread vs fly tying thread

If you are just a beginner, you may think that sewing machines only use a single type of thread for all kinds of projects but this thinking will be proved

How to increase bust on sewing pattern

How to increase bust on sewing pattern

Everyone has uniqueness in their body shape and this makes it extremely difficult to find a dress for yourself that fits you 100%. This is the reason that almost every

Is There Any Value in Old Sewing Patterns

Is There Any Value in Old Sewing Patterns

Sewing patterns help make sewing easier for you. Especially if you are a beginner, the sewing patterns allow you to sew the clothes with perfection. Many people ask us: New

When sewing how to tie a knot

When sewing how to tie a knot?

Whether you are sewing clothes on a sewing machine or doing hand stitching, you always start the process by loading the thread into the needle. No doubt you can simply

Is sewing and embroidery the same

Is sewing and embroidery the same?

Most people usually think that sewing is just a regular activity that does not include much tweaking or isn’t versatile. This is completely a wrong assumption because there are plenty

Is sewing a dress hard

Is sewing a dress hard?

When you are out in the market shopping and looking into dresses sewn in different styles and designs, you may think of sewing some dresses by yourself. This question comes

How strong is sewing glue

How strong is sewing glue

If you are sewing clothes or doing any other sewing projects, you may have noticed that sometimes you reach a point where you cannot simply use the sewing machine or

How high should your sewing table be

How high should your sewing table be?

Some people assume that only having the skills can help you perform a job in the best way possible. Although the assumption is right but only to some extent. A

Why are Christmas trees so bad at sewing

Why are Christmas trees so bad at sewing?

Can you imagine a Christmas celebration without a Christmas tree? That’s practically impossible, right? Well, it may not be entirely impossible considering how the prices of Christmas trees are projected

Does linen shrink or stretch

Does linen shrink or stretch

Linen is one of the most popular and commonly used fabrics in different applications ranging from regular clothing to household textiles, items, and accessories. People around the world love to

Are sewing needles allowed on planes

Are sewing needles allowed on planes?

Going to the airport to board an airplane, you will be informed of certain items you are not allowed to include as part of the luggage you will be taking

How to sew lycra on a conventional machine

How to sew lycra on a conventional machine

When it comes to comfort while working out, swimming, jogging, or doing hard physical activities, nothing can go beyond what lycra has to offer. It is probably the most stretchy