If you spend a lot of time sewing then you should learn about the error codes of your sewing machine. It will help you solve any error instantly and save your precious time.
That is why we have prepared this guide where you will learn about all the error codes of the Tajima sewing machine, the underlying reasons behind the errors, and the effective solutions.

Tajima embroidery machine error code 01
Cause of error:
When there is no 500-character function while the data is set, the error 01 is displayed on the screen.
Hit the RESET button and then set the data again to solve the error.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 02
Cause of error:
The error 02 means the Tajima Tape complement error. It is caused when you enter similar +/- numeric in a single stitch data.
Correct the tape to fix the problem.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 03
Cause of error:
The error 03 means data is involved in the tape end code.
You will have to correct the tape to fix this error.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 04
Cause of error:
The error 04 occurs when you select the wrong tape format or the function code position is improper.
You need to select a proper format or correct the tape to fix this error.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 06
Cause of error:
Error code 06 indicates a memory writing error in your sewing machine.
You need to replace the memory card or expand the capacity of memory to fix this issue.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 08
Cause of error:
The error code 08 means trouble in the PR tape signal.
The problem can be solved by adjusting the reader or replacing the unit.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 09
Cause of error:
If the PTR motion is in disorder, it leads to error code 09. The reader does not read the tape for over 5 seconds.
Check the reader cable connection and fix it if it’s damaged or too loose.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 11
Cause of error:
Error code 11 occurs when the data set is incomplete.
You need to set the data properly and then restart the sewing machine.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 12
Cause of error:
The error code 12 is displayed due to excessive stitch back.
You need to keep in mind that the maximum stitch back limit is 71 stitches for the tape operations and the memory design starting point.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 13
Cause of error:
Error code 13 means prohibited forward. It happens when the offset is set.
To solve this problem, there are two options:
- Set the offset value to 0 (zero).
- Move the frame by the distance of offset and then move the frame.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 16
Cause of error:
The error code 16 occurs when you select the tape format 5 but there are no designs stored in the memory of your sewing machine.
First, save the required designs to the memory and then try again.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 17
Cause of error:
The error code 17 is displayed when there are already 30 designs stored in the memory and you select tape format 2 or 4.
Keep in mind that you can only store 30 designs in the memory. If you want to add more, then delete the unnecessary designs.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 18
Cause of error:
Error code 18 is caused when the number of a design is erased after the data set.
You will have to save the design to the memory again to fix this error.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 19
Cause of error:
When there is a shortage of memory capacity during editing, it leads to error code 19.
You need to delete unnecessary designs to overcome the shortage of memory.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 30
Cause of error:
The error code 30 means STOP command by bar switch is given during the execution of home return, offset, mode 5, or mode 6.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 31
Cause of error:
The error code 31 occurs when the bar switch gives the STOP command during color change.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 51
Cause of error:
Error 51 occurs when no stop position signal is output.
This error code indicates a problem in the machine card or encoder.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 52
Cause of error:
When the frame limit switch is activated, it leads to error code 52.
You can solve this problem by moving the frame to its working area.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 53
Cause of error:
The error code 53 indicates a problem in the stepping motor driver (X & Y).
You need to check the PMD drive units for solving this problem.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 54
Cause of error:
When the right and left limits on color change are detected, it leads to error code 54.
You need to check the needle position card and the machine card to fix this error.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 55
Cause of error:
If the color change takes over 5 seconds, the error 55 is displayed on the screen.
Check the BP card and machine card.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 56
Cause of error:
The error code 56 indicates a color change half-turn cam signal problem.
First, check the BP card and needle position card. Then, check if there is any mechanical bind in the color change system. If you find one, get it fixed to solve the error.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 57
Cause of error:
Error code 57 occurs when there is a problem in the needle position signal.
Check the needle position card.
See if there is a mechanical bind in the color change system of your machine.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 58
Cause of error:
If a single turn of the main shaft motor takes longer than 5 seconds, it leads to error code 58.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 59
Cause of error:
If the cap frame moves more than 75mm from the zero point of the cap frame while searching, it leads to error code 59.
To fix this, you have to inspect the photo interrupter.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 60
Cause of error:
When the embroidery space of the cap frame has exceeded, it leads to error code 60.
Reduce the size of the design OR move the camp frame to an accurate start point.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 211
Cause of error:
When a fixed position signal (main shaft Z signal) is not detected, it leads to error code 211.
Try returning the main shaft to the fixed solution. Also, check the signal of the encoder.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 212
Cause of error:
When the needle bar is lowered, error code 212 appears.
Raise the needle bar using the needle bar operation to fix this problem.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 221
Cause of error:
Error code 221 appears when the frame moves towards the left and exceeds the position set by the frame limit.
You can solve this problem by moving the frame manually so the design can fit in the embroidery area.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 222
Cause of error:
When the frame travels towards the right and exceeds the position set by the frame limit, it leads to error code 222.
You can solve this problem by moving the frame manually so the design can fit in the embroidery area.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 223
Cause of error:
If the frame moves upwards and exceeds the position set by the frame limit, error code 223 is displayed on the screen.
You can solve this problem by moving the frame manually so the design can fit in the embroidery area.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 224
Cause of error:
When the frame moves downwards and exceeds the position set by the frame limit, it leads to error code 224.
You can solve this problem by moving the frame manually so the design can fit in the embroidery area.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 225
Cause of error:
Error code 225 appears when you have set the software frame limit and then the frame move outside the set embroidery area.
You can solve this problem by moving the frame manually so the design can fit in the embroidery area.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 226
Cause of error:
When the absolute origin limits (+X & -Y) are detected, it leads to error code 226.
Correct the position of the frame limit to solve the problem.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 228
Cause of error:
If you attempted the TABLE UP/DOWN operation while the frame was in the front side position, the error code 228 is displayed on the screen.
Before you move the table UP or DOWN, you need to move the frame to the rearmost end.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 234
Cause of error:
Error code 234 appears when the laser unit malfunctions.
Turn off the sewing machine and wait for 5 seconds.
Now turn on the machine and see if the error is gone. If error 234 shows up again, you need to check the cooling unit (chiller).
Tajima embroidery machine error code 242
Cause of error:
When the rotation range of the M-axis (+/–32 rotations) exceeds while using the manual rotation function of the M-axis, it leads to error code 242.
First, press the RESET button.
After that, manually rotate the M-axis in the reverse direction.
Otherwise, press the RESET button and then restart the sewing machine.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 251
Cause of error:
Error code 251 occurs when the auto lube pump has low oil.
Adding oil to the lubrication tank will solve the error.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 252
Cause of error:
When the status of the air valve does not change, error code 252 is displayed.
You need to check the air pressure that is supplied to the air valve.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 253
Cause of error:
If the lower limit of the laser protect cover is not detected, you will see error code 253 on the screen.
Check and adjust the air pressure.
Check the lower limit sensor and replace it if needed.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 254
Cause of error:
If the upper limit of the laser protect cover is not detected, you will see error code 254 on the screen.
Check and adjust the air pressure.
Check the upper limit sensor and replace it if necessary.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 255 TLFD
Cause of error:
Error code 255 TLFD means a peripheral device is malfunctioning.
Check the peripheral device and also check its connection. Fix/replace if you find it damaged.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 255 CE
Cause of error:
When you attempt manual frame travel or frame forward/back while the Z-axis is not positioned, it causes error code 255 CE.
You need to set the Z-axis to the H position to solve this problem.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 272
Cause of error:
If you perform manual nipple lifting while coiling the embroidery, it leads to error code 272.
Hit the reset button.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 281
Cause of error:
When the target needle position is not detected within 15 seconds of starting the color change, error code 281 appears on the screen.
First, you need to turn the shaft of the color change box and check if the needle position display is accurate.
If the display is correct, the action is completed.
If the display is incorrect, please check the color change sensors.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 291
Cause of error:
Error code 291 occurs in two cases:
- When the machine detects upper thread breakage.
- When there is a fault in the tension base card.
Check the upper and under threads and rethread if they are broken.
If the problem is in the tension base card then replace it.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 293
Cause of error:
When your sewing machine detects under thread breakage, it leads to error code 293.
Check the bobbin thread and rethread it if found broken.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 2B1
Cause of error:
When there is no response received for 5 seconds after starting the operation using a serial I/F.
It means the serial I/F device is not properly connected.
Inspect the serial device connection such as PC and TFD.
Correct or repair the design data.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 2B2
Cause of error:
Error code 2B2 means TAJIMA complement error.
Correct the design data to solve this problem.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 2B3
Cause of error:
Error code 2B3 appears if the data exists in an end code.
Correct the design data to solve this problem.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 2B4
Cause of error:
Error code 2B4 means code format error. It occurs when the stitching code is not found at the 3rd character.
Correct the design data to solve this problem.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 2B5
Cause of error:
Error code 2B5 appears due to a reading error. It occurs when the stitch data exceeds 5.1mm.
Correct the data to solve this problem.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 2B6
Cause of error:
When the serial interface is not ready, it causes error 2B6.
Correct the data to solve this problem.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 2B7
Cause of error:
If you start the machine or perform frame forward while data was not input, it leads to error code 2B7.
Perform data set to fix this error.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 2B8
Cause of error:
Error code 2B8 appears when the pre-reading buffer is empty.
During operation: reduce the speed of the main shaft.
During the frame forward operation, keep waiting until the entire design data is read.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 2B9
Cause of error:
Error 2B9 indicates a memory write error.
Inspect the memory card and CPU. Replace them if necessary.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 2BA
Cause of error:
When the memory capacity has exceeded, this error occurs.
Erase unnecessary designs stored in the memory to fix this.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 2BB
Cause of error:
When the frame back exceeds the allowable range, error 2BB appears.
Avoid performing further frame back.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 2BC
Cause of error:
There are 3 reasons why this error shows up on the screen:
- If there is no design registered in the memory.
- An attempt was made to delete the current design being embroidered from the memory.
- An attempt was made to edit data during embroidery.
Here are the solutions to this problem:
- Register the design in memory.
- If you want to delete the current design being embroidered from the memory, then set another design before proceeding to delete.
- Avoid editing any data or design while embroidering.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 2BD
Cause of error:
When the machine detects the end-code or stop-code before the third stitch data, error 2BD occurs.
Correct the design data to fix this problem.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 2BE
Cause of error:
This error occurs when the end code and start code are not set to be a pair.
Make the end code and start code pairs if necessary.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 2C1
Cause of error:
When you start the machine or execute frame forward/back while setting the panel, it leads to error code 2C1.
Avoid operating the machine while you are setting the panel.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 2C2
Cause of error:
This error code occurs due to an incorrect option setting.
Set the options correctly to solve the problem.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 2C2 TLFD
Cause of error:
If ON is set for the laser and boring unit, it leads to error code 2C2 TLFD.
You should set OFF for the DSW2-2 boring device and then turn off the machine and start it again.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 2C3
Cause of error:
If the “PACK” is not designated, it leads to error code 2C3.
You will have to designate the packed designs to fix this error.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 2C4
Cause of error:
When the design stitch count exceeds, it leads to error 2C4.
The problem can be solved by confirming the number of stitches in the design.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 2C5
Cause of error:
When you attempt to perform laser processing during laser preheating, the machine shows error 2C5.
Wait for the laser preheating to complete before carrying out laser processing.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 2C6
Cause of error:
Error code 2C6 is displayed when you attempt a machine operation while the bobbing changer was running.
Avoid operating the machine while the bobbin changer is running.
Avoid operating the bobbin changer while the machine is running.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 2CB
Cause of error:
Error code 2CB appears when the design is too large and cannot be displayed within the designated software frame limit.
Reduce the design size so it can be displayed within the frame limit.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 2CD
Cause of error:
If the power supply is turned OFF during edit mode processing or design deletion, the error code 2CD shows up.
To fix this error, rewrite the data to the memory.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 2CE
Cause of error:
When the remote interlock activates, it leads to error 2CE.
Reset the remote interlock to fix it.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 2CF
Cause of error:
When an immediate stop comes in from an external device, the error code 2CF appears on the screen.
Check the external device or the connection that goes to the external device.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 2D1
Cause of error:
Error 2D1 is displayed when the initial settings of laser power are incomplete.
Complete the laser powers’ initial setting.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 2E3
Cause of error:
Error code 2E3 appears if the power supply is interrupted during embroidery.
Turn ON the power and then carry out the “POWE RESUME” operation.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 311
Cause of error:
Error code 311 is displayed if the encoder ‘A’ signal does not change for over 5 seconds.
It indicates a belt or motor failure.
Check the belt and main motor.
Check the encoder signal lines and the encoder.
Inspect the main shaft driver for excitation.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 312
Cause of error:
If the encoder ‘Z’ signal does not change for over 5 seconds, it leads to error 312.
Inspect the encoder and its signal lines.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 313
Cause of error:
This error occurs when the clutch stopper is disengaged.
You need to engage the clutch stopper to fix this problem.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 314
Cause of error:
It occurs due to the rotation failure of the main shaft.
Check the main breaker, main motor, encoder, encoder signal lines, and belt.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 316
Cause of error:
It appears when the machine detects a main shaft driver error.
Replace the main shaft motor or main shaft driver unit if necessary.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 317
Cause of error:
It is displayed when an abnormal signal is received by the take-up lever clutch.
Check the joint-25 card and replace it if necessary.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 321
Cause of error:
This error signals a PMD failure.
Check the motor and driver.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 322
Cause of error:
It is displayed when the machine detects an X-axis pulse motor driver error signal.
Check the X-axis driver unit and replace it if necessary.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 323
Cause of error:
This error is displayed when the machine detects a Y-axis pulse motor driver error signal.
Check the Y-axis driver unit and replace it if necessary.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 324
Cause of error:
If the frame feeds output while the needle penetrates the fabric, error code 324 is displayed on the screen.
Reduce the operating speed of the machine.
Check the encoder wiring and the rotator encoder.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 32A
Cause of error:
The error code 32A represents a hidden error.
Change the parameter from N-23 to 0mm.
If the problem persists, install the BD software version or another latest version.
If nothing works, change the IMM card.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 32F
Cause of error:
The error code 32F means a hidden error.
To fix this error, make sure that your machine has a BD version or another latest version of the software.
If nothing works, change the IMM card.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 325
Cause of error:
Error code 325 means cap machine origin search error. It occurs when the absolute origin could not be detected on the X or Y axis.
You need to find the malfunctioning origin sensor and adjust or replace it if necessary.
Check the harness and cap origin sensor as well.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 331
Cause of error:
This is a bobbin changer error.
Inspect the bobbin changer components.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 341 CE/LE
Cause of error:
This is a D-axis origin error.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 341 LG
Cause of error:
When the machine could not detect the M-axis base point signal, this error appears.
Replace the M-axis base point sensor OR replace the harness of the M-axis base point sensor.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 342
Cause of error:
If the machine detects an abnormal M-axis PMD signal, it leads to error code 342.
Check all the mechanical parts that are related to the M-axis and look for any abnormalities and fix them.
Check the M-axis drive assembly or incremental encoder and replace it if necessary.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 345
Cause of error:
When an abnormal signal is received by the M-axis clutch driver, it leads to error code 345.
Check the joint-25 card and replace it if necessary.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 346
Cause of error:
When an abnormal signal is received by the zigzag PMD, it leads to error 346.
Inspect all the machine parts that are related to the zigzag swing mechanism. After adjusting them, press the RESET button.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 347
Cause of error:
When the machine detects an abnormal M-axis PMD signal, error 347 is displayed.
You need to check all parts of the machine that are related to the M-axis and look for any abnormalities. After adjusting them, press the RESET button.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 352
Cause of error:
If the sequin driver issues abnormal signals, it leads to error code 352.
Check the sequin card and replace it if necessary.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 371 CE/LE
Cause of error:
This error occurs due to a needle height position problem.
Check the needle position card and the BP card.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 371 LG
Cause of error:
When the upper or lower position signal cannot be input, error 371 LG is displayed on the screen.
Adjust the nipple lifter.
Check the sensor and replace it if necessary.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 372 CE
Cause of error:
Error code 372 CE indicates a ZB signal error.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 372 LG
Cause of error:
If the nipples fail to move for more than 1 second, it causes error 372 LG.
Hit the RESET button.
Check the nipple position sensor and the nipple lifting motor.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 373
Cause of error:
This error is caused when an abnormal signal is issued by the nipple position sensor.
Hit the RESET button.
Use the keys 1-5, the return key, and change the nipple stroke.
Check the nipple position sensor and replace it if necessary.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 373 LE
Cause of error:
It occurs when there is no input to the position sensors.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 374
Cause of error:
Error code 374 indicates an abnormality in the nipple sensor signal. In this error, both inputs have signals.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 375
Cause of error:
Error code 375 means that the Z-axis driver received an abnormal signal.
Check the joint-25 card and replace it if necessary.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 381
Cause of error:
There are 2 causes of this error:
- When there is an error in the FX head needle position input data.
- When the main shaft is rotating but the FX head needle position data is not input.
- Check the color change sensor and replace it if necessary.
- Correctly set the number of needles in the system software.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 382
Cause of error:
When the status of the needle position signal does not change for more than 1 second during color change, it leads to error code 382.
Check the power supply circuit and the color change motor.
Check the needle position sensor (potentiometer).
Tajima embroidery machine error code 383
Cause of error:
- When the input of needle position is incorrect.
- When there is no detection of needle position signal during the rotation of the main shaft.
- Check the number of needles settings in the parameter settings.
- Check the needle position sensor (potentiometer).
Tajima embroidery machine error code 383 CE
Cause of error:
This happens due to a control error of the D-axis drive motor.
Turn off the machine and then restart it.
If you see error code 383 CE again, you need to replace the head card of the relevant CE head.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 384
Cause of error:
It happens when the main shaft is running but no 1 rotation signal is given.
Check the color change sensors and replace them if necessary.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 384 CE
Cause of error:
Error code 384 is displayed due to a control error of the looper shaft drive motor.
Restart your machine.
If you see the error code 384 CE again, you need to replace the head card of the corresponding CE head.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 385
Cause of error:
When the lens does not move to the designated position during lens switching, you see error code 385 on the screen.
Check the following things and adjust/replace them if necessary:
- Sensor
- Sensor wiring
- Compressor pressure
- Lens fulcrum axis and shaft
- Electromagnetic valve and wiring
Tajima embroidery machine error code 385 CE
Cause of error:
Error 385 CE is due to the operation failure of the Z-axis.
Adjust the corresponding head’s Z-axis position.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 391 LE
Cause of error:
This error code indicates a thread release input signal error.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 3A1
Cause of error:
If the thread trimming driver issues abnormal signals, the machine displays error code 3A1 on the screen.
Check the joint-21 card.
Check the thread trimming drive card.
Adjust/replace them if necessary.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 3A2
Cause of error:
When the output time of thread trimming has exceeded, it leads to error code 3A2.
Check the joint card and replace it if needed.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 3A6
Cause of error:
It happens when the retract position of the ATH moveable knife is incorrect.
Check the ATH moveable knife position and adjust if necessary.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 3A8
Cause of error:
This error appears when the machine detects a thread-holding driver signal error.
Check the thread holding inverter LED.
If the LED is not lit, check the harness and adjust/replace it if needed.
If the LED is lit, you need to change the inverter.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 3B5
Cause of error:
Error 3B5 occurs due to a communication problem in the controller.
Restart the machine.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 3B6
Cause of error:
Error code 3B6 means a communication error.
Check the connection of LU1, IDM, and LM1 cards.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 3C1
Cause of error:
Error code 3C1 is displayed when the power switch is turned on in the state and the machine has been stopped by keeping the bar switch pressed to the left side.
Switch OFF the power and then turn it ON after a while.
If you still see the error code 3C1 then check the bar switch and also switch the harness.
Tajima embroidery machine error code (3D1) (3D1 CE) (3D2) (3D3 CE)
Cause of error:
If the battery backup signal has an abnormality, the machine displays error code 3D1 or 3D1 CE or 3D2 or 3D3 CE on the screen.
Turn on the power of your machine to charge the battery. Check the IDM card, settings, design settings, and parameters.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 3D3
Cause of error:
Error code 3D3 means NMI signal error.
Check the following:
IDM, IMM, harness, joint, CPU and adjust/replace if required.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 3D4
Cause of error:
Error 3D4 appears when a ROM data checksum is abnormal.
Replace the PROM to fix this problem.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 3D5
Cause of error:
Error code 3D5 is displayed when an abnormality is found in the RAM data checksum.
Try reloading the data to the memory.
If nothing works, check the IDM2 card and replace it if necessary.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 3D6
Cause of error:
Error 3D6 occurs due to an abnormality in the CPU card or the program.
Or it happens mostly when the software is not correctly installed.
Check the IDM and CPU card.
Install the software correctly.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 3D7
Cause of error:
The machine displays error code 3D7 when an abnormality is found in the main shaft motor speed control data.
Check the IMM or IDM card and replace it if required.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 3E2
Cause of error:
If the p24R power supply is abnormal, the machine shows error code 3E2.
Check the joint-25 card.
Check the capacitor or p24R AVR and replace it if necessary.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 3F1 CE-100
Cause of error:
This error occurs due to looseness (improper tension).
Tajima embroidery machine error code 3F1 CE-600
Cause of error:
This error occurs due to thread tension control failure.
Adjust the tension potentiometer and replace it if needed.
Tajima embroidery machine error code 3F2
Cause of error:
This error occurs due to tightness (improper tension).
Tajima embroidery machine error code 3F3
Cause of error:
It occurs when an abnormal signal is received by the thread tension release driver.
Check the join-25 card and change it if necessary.
Tajima embroidery machine error code B01
Cause of error:
The error code B01 means there is an error in the floppy disk format.
It occurs during the read/write operations.
Format the floppy disk. Otherwise, use a new floppy disk that is already formatted.
Copy your designs to the new floppy disk and dispose of the old one.
Tajima embroidery machine error code B02
Cause of error:
It occurs when there is an error in the floppy disk management information.
Get a new floppy disk.
Copy your data to the new floppy disk and then dispose of the old one.
Tajima embroidery machine error code B03
Cause of error:
Error code B03 appears when the write protect window of your floppy disk is open.
The error can be solved if you close the write-protect window.
Tajima embroidery machine error code B04
Cause of error:
The error code B04 appears when you have not inserted a floppy disk.
Insert a floppy disk to solve the error.
Tajima embroidery machine error code BC1
Cause of error:
The machine displays error code BC1 when the design you have selected is not found on the floppy disk or when there is no design registered on the disk.
Choose another design.
Tajima embroidery machine error code BC2
Cause of error:
If the design number which you specified as the writing destination already exists on the floppy disk, it leads to error code BC2.
You need to change the design number.
Tajima embroidery machine error code BC4
Cause of error:
Error code BC4 appears when the design data is incorrectly written from memory to the floppy disk.
Try writing the data again.
Tajima embroidery machine error code BC5
Cause of error:
Error code BC5 means the current capacity of the floppy disk is insufficient.
Use a floppy disk with sufficient capacity.
Choose correct design numbers like 2HD 1 to 223 and 2DD 1 to 111.
Tajima embroidery machine error code C01
Cause of error:
When the FDD is disconnected or malfunctions, error code C01 appears.
Check the cable and connection of the FDD. If you find any problem or damage, replace the FDD unit.
Tajima embroidery machine error code CE1
Cause of error:
The machine displays error code CE1 if the communication speed set for the machine does not match the communication speed set for the external device.
Check the settings for communication speed.
Tajima machine temporary stop codes
Here are the stop codes, their causes, and solutions.
Tajima machine temporary stop code 1B1
When stop code 1B1 appears, the machine stops due to the frame stepping code.
This stop code is not displayed due to any failure or abnormality in the machine.
You can continue operations by:
- Pressing the START button.
- Performing the frame back/forward operation.
- Pressing any operation key except the manual frame travel keys.
Tajima machine temporary stop code 1B2
Code 1B2 means the machine temporarily stopped due to the stop code.
This stop code is not displayed due to any failure or abnormality in the machine.
You can continue operations by:
- Pressing the START button.
- Performing the frame back/forward operation.
- Pressing any operation key except the manual frame travel keys.
Tajima machine temporary stop code 1B3
Code 1B3 means the machine stopped due to end code 1.
This stop code is not displayed due to any failure or abnormality in the machine.
You can continue operations by:
- Pressing the START button.
- Performing the frame back/forward operation.
- Pressing any operation key except the manual frame travel keys.
Tajima machine temporary stop code 1B4
Code 1B4 means the machine stopped due to thread trimming code.
This stop code is not displayed due to any failure or abnormality in the machine.
You can continue operations by:
- Pressing the START button.
- Performing the frame back/forward operation.
- Pressing any operation key except the manual frame travel keys.
Tajima machine temporary stop code 1B5
Code 1B5 means the machine stopped due to a sequin code.
Move the sequin device UP and DOWN manually. Then, start the machine.
Tajima machine temporary stop code 1B6
Code 1B6 means the machine stopped due to the automatic free setting offset code.
This stop code is not displayed due to any failure or abnormality in the machine.
You can continue operations by:
- Pressing the START button.
- Performing the frame back/forward operation.
- Pressing any operation key except the manual frame travel keys.
Tajima machine temporary stop code 1C1
Code 1C1 means the machine stopped because you pressed the bar switch during frame stepping.
Conduct frame back/forward operation or start the machine to solve this.
Tajima machine temporary stop code 1C2
Code 1C2 means the machine stopped by manual ATH operations.
There are 2 solutions.
- Start the machine.
- Perform the frame back/forward operation.
Tajima machine temporary stop code 1D1
Code 1D1 means the machine stopped at the start of all-head embroidery because of stop settings.
Restart the machine to fix the problem.
Tajima machine temporary stop code 1D2
Code 1D2 means the machine stopped by a preset halt.
You can reset the code number by pressing the return button.
Tajima machine temporary stop code OIL Halt for Lubrication
If you see OIL Halt for Lubrication, it means the machine stopped because it needs lubrication.
Oil all the important parts of the machine and then press the return button to reset the error code.
Tajima machine neo maintenance stop codes
Here are the neo-maintenance codes, their meanings, and solutions.
**MAINT. REQUIRED** One drop of oil as per Inst. Manual
If you this message on the screen, you need to oil the specified parts. After that, press the stop button to leave the maintenance mode and continue working.
! Caution: Grease Cams Take-up, Presser as per Inst. Manual
If you see this message on the screen, you need to grease the specified parts.
Once you have done that, press the STOP button to leave the maintenance mode and start working.
! Caution: Grease Cams, Take-up Presser, Trim Needle Case Drive as per Inst. Manual
When you see this message, you need to grease the specified parts.
After that, press the STOP button to leave the maintenance mode and start working again.